Airport K9s are most often seen with detection teams to keep a lookout for drugs and guns at the airport. There are also "wildlife control K9's" where some dogs use their herding skills to clear the airfield of mammals like foxes and groundhogs. 

This short post is a tribute to all airport K9's out there that serve to keep us safe. In particular, we'd like to mention three airport K9's, Piper, Greg and Hercules. 


PIPER of Traverse City, Miami

Piper began his duties as an airport K9 in 2014 as a wildlife control officer. In the 3 years he worked there, he chased away thousands of birds and small animals to keep planes and passengers safe on the runway. Sadly, he succumbed to cancer and passed away in January 2018, but his legacy remains and he is sorely missed by his handler, the airport staff, and all his fans and friends around the globe.

-K-9 Piper (@airportk9)

All phpto credits to @airportK9


GREG & HERCULES of CRW, West Virginia

Greg and Hercules are wildlife control officers, the guardian of Yeager Airport and "airport sweethearts" for many.
Hercules recently celebrated his 2nd birthday and turned heads with his good looks and floofy charm. While he loves patrolling the 280-acre-airfield, it's not his only job. He is also a comfort animal to offer a caring paw to first-time-passengers, and his 3rd job is a public relations officer who brings smiles and sunshine to WV every day.

-CRW Hercules (@crwhercules)

All photo credits to @crwhercules 

Video credit to MotionMaster and Yeager Airport (CRW)